
It has been a day for weeding, which is a thankless but necessary job at the best of times. Dodging the heavy showers I almost finished three of the five allotment beds, then cleared the weeds from the pea canes (above) before planting further pea and beans in successive sowings. Chris took the car today, so I was effectively trapped at home, but I didn't worry about it too much, mind you I did have to change the radio stations on my potable radio from the constant LBC discussion on the MP expenses fiasco to a more soothing classic FM.

The only person I spoke to today was neighbour Pippa, who came down to tell me that she had seen the female pheasant with five tiny chicks in her garden. I am so pleased as I caught sight of the bird family a few days ago by the church a few days ago and wondered if they had survived the afternoon car jam by parents waiting for their children to leave the village school.

Albert has gone into overdrive today and has brought home 5 mice. Every corpse he has proudly dropped at either mine or the one of the dogs' feet...and rather nauseatingly, Maddie has chomped three of them like someone eating a snickers bar, her eyes closed in pure and happy pleasure
Tonight I am off to Theatre Clwyd with Hazel to see the French film The class. I haven't seen her in ages


  1. It seems that all farm cats love to catch mice. One of our cats Izzy loves to toss them in the air and catch them like they were still alive. When we first moved to our farm the barn was over run with rats. The big nasty kind. We looked every where to find a poision to kill the rats but not the cats. To our amazement they cleaned the barn from top to bottom in 1 week. I'm sure that they still pine for the old days. Have a great day.

  2. Your peas are lovely. I need to get started planting my little garden now that we're here in Idaho now.My tulips must have waited for me to get here,as they are still in bloom! The petals are an odd shape---will post photos on my blog next Monday for the letter "T".
    Maddie's behavior is SO like Hootie. He disgusts me quite often with his strangge appetites---the latest was moose poo this morning. Gross. Then the little brat wants to give me a kiss. Ugh.


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