The Best Of British

You couldn't help getting slightly emotional listening to a triumphant Joanna Lumley thank her supporters hours after the Government made a U turn of their outrageous refusal to let all long serving Gurkha veterans settle in the Uk.
I think that Gurkha Justice Campaign lawyer David Enright played a blinder when he let the sixty-two year old celebrity take centre stage on this long standing and very public fight with the Government. The much loved actress very publicly humiliated the immigration minister Phil Woolas on the 7th of May, when she eloquently and passionately fought the decision to limit Gurkha admissions to the Uk Since then, and with huge national support Miss Lumley has been seen to embody all of the best traits of being essentially "British".
Quietly assertive and never aggressive, Lumley, in her perfectly modulated "posh but not too posh" accent showed a dignified frustration towards a "naughty and disappointing" Government.
She galvanised the press with a spirit that could have won the war, mobilised the country's dissatisfaction with the MPs expenses to her advantage and has become the much needed figure of "trust and integrity" within this recent climate of sleaze.
Put quite simply, the British public love her.


  1. I think it was a disgrace and an embarrassment that we should even had to consider letting people who have risked life and limb to protect the British way of life settle in this country. In my personal opinion I welcome these brave soldiers with open arms.

    In comparison to the relentless stream of immigrants who's only contribution is to complain, drain and seek to change our society inline with their own. I do accept that their are genuine asylum seekers who need and should receive help in line with our way of living and adapt to this countries ways as we would theirs.

    Sorry John for the rant.

  2. Been very out of touch with what's happening in the UK, so had to google this Baroness Lumley of Absolutely Fabulous. Read some good articles and to her I say,"Atta girl!"


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