Garden Flowers & Naughty Children

Finally the weather has turned just a little and we had torrential rain showers all of last night. I didn't mind too much as my vegetable seedlings were desperate for a good watering. The garden flowers and allotment plants seem to have grown and bloomed over night and everywhere has a bouncy health look about it. As it had been raining all morning, I have spent the time completing application forms for another bank job and shampooing the cottage carpets of the detritus from muddy pet paws.
The back garden has started to come into its own and I took a few minutes out to cut daffodils,white bells,aquilegia and red Valerian for the living room. I have always made sure that I have fresh flowers in the house every day, it is a small habit I got into after I bought my first house....even when I was a poor student nurse, I still indulged myself with presents of flowers. Oh the snobbery!!!

The hens have stopped most of their sorties into the Graveyard and have recently turned their attention to Mandy and John's garden next door. In small groups of three or four a couple of Black Hookers, Belle and Miss Kinsale have slipped their way surreptitiously under the field gate, they then have tip toed across the lane and into my neighbours garden. Thank goodness they bypassed a huge, well stocked vegetable patch, but I was shocked to see that all four seemed to have developed an unhealthy obsession with their long gravel path! The whole path have been untidily dug over, with gravel strewn all over the place,The mess was indescribable!
Mandy as it happened was very good natured about it all, and I think I placated her just a little by fashioning a makeshift barrier to the bottom of the gate ( I will drop her in some eggs later too!). The escapees spent most of the afternoon trying to work out how to get around the netting, but most gave up before dusk came....hens are truly fickle creatures

It has drizzled for most of the afternoon, apart from some weeding I have not done a great deal outside. The allotment is now actually looking just that little bit "greener"
This evening Chris has gone to Tai Chi at the memorial Hall, I have caught up with some telephone calls. One old friend has experienced a few love life complications recently and said without any malice that they should be raising ducks, which would keep them out of trouble......that remark made me feel just a little middle aged!


  1. Lovely hens, and I love the photo of William and Meg in flight!

  2. Thank you for visiting our blog and leaving such a nice comment. We too are in awe that we were able to find our home. Actually, we located it on the internet of all places! I enjoyed reading your blog and the pictures were lovely. We love our hens too. I think yours are a bit more delicate and ladylike than our girls. While yours take a leisurely stroll down the lane, ours stampede and attact anything green in a wide radius. Wales is beautiful and a place that I have always wanted to visit. I will make it there one day. I have faith. Take care and great hearing from you.


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