Deadly aim &Wellington survives his second attack

Last night the worst thing happened!. I had just finished writing my blog and put my laptop onto the floor so I could put coal onto the fire. In those few seconds William promptly walked over to the computer, sniffed at it briefly and cocked his leg to wee two short bursts of wee onto the keyboard!
The good news is that although stinking heavily of urine, I can still connect to the Internet, the bad news is that I can no longer use the letters FGHJKLBNMYUIOP and the numbers 57890 as well as @;,.?/-_=~. Thank god Chris is buying me a notebook for my birthday!!!!!

Wellington has been in the wars yet again! This morning I put the five new ducklings into the main duck enclosure for a run around and an afternoon in the sun. All seemed to be well for an hour or so until one of the two large drakes bullied him in a prolonged and sustained attack. Luckily I caught the tail end of this violent assault and hurried over to grab him when the oddest thing happened. The little chap, seeing me, ran over and literally jumped into my outstretched hand, no usual hysteria, no panicked shrieking, just a natural awareness of exactly where he would be safe.The drake had drawn blood on Wellington's head, back and rump, and had ripped many of his baby feathers about a bit, but generally apart from these painful but fairly minor injuries the little chap looked ok. The problem with birds that have been attacked, is that shock can be a huge factor in their recovery, so I quickly put him back in the darkened shed with his brood mates and food and water. Hopefully he will be alright. (Pic sister-in-law Jayne and Wellington this afternoon)

Jayne and Andrew called in to give Chris his belated Birthday gift. He was thrilled to receive a metal sculpture of a peacock for the garden. It is a cracking piece of art.

We are just off now to see Angels & Demons

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