Pre Holiday Checklist

Yes, I have definitely gone to the dogs! and no it's the way I am standing that makes my gut look like Shelley Winter's midriff-honest!!!. (Mind you a trip back to weightwatchers after our hols may well be in order!)
Today I have strimmed the field from top to bottom in readiness for Richard to take over animal cares! and the whole place looks nicely neat and very tidy. Patiently Richard has ignored my patronising teaching methods and has fed, watered and cared for all the animals without complaint. He has put up with a feisty attack from the buff cockerels, the hysteria "NEW MAN!!!! IT'S A NEW MAN!!" reaction from the runners and several benign sexual advances from an untidy moulting Boris
There seems an awful lot of work to do! Blanche remains broody and still has to be "sin binned" throughout the day, Elizabeth the broody Buff, still needs to be taken off her eggs twice a day and forced to eat and drink and Susan still needs TLC in her hospital coop! The sick girl has eaten something today....would you believe she actually munched a large piece of uncooked pastry!
This afternoon I have made more pastry for her and have wrapped it in cling film ready for Richard to treat her. She still looks dreadfully ill, I doubt she will survive until we get back from San Francisco.
Poor Richard.......he will be having poultry nightmares when he finally returns to Kent
On a happier note, the ducklings are all doing remarkably well. I put them into the field for most of the afternoon. where they spent the time screaming to themselves!-daft buggers!

We are going to London tomorrow and will be staying with Nuala overnight before meeting up with Sorrel on Thursday at Heathrow. It will be my first meeting with Nu since Una's funeral. I can't wait to see her!....I am probably more "excited" at catching up with her than I am at the prospect of flying to San Fran!
Mind you...with this Swine Flu scare going on......will we actually get to the U.S.?
Watch this space

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