Golden Girls---Best of Dorothy

I used to love the Golden Girls! Four Gay men trapped in four middle aged women's bodies I always thought..........(Especially the amazing Bea Arthur who died only a few days ago )
I finished all the cooking for Richard this morning, completed most what I needed to, and fixed supper for Richard and Chris when they arrived at pm......
tomorrow is hen care teaching day! hey ho


  1. I actually used to like this and when Bea Arthur died it brought back ancient memories of the other American sitcoms like Benson, Cheers, Married with children The Munster’s (very like who I work for) Rhoda, Taxi, Becker (more recent) and especially Soap

  2. My parents were big Golden Girls fans. I remember visiting them in PA and all else ceased when "Thank you for being a friend" started playing.
    1 Day to go.Looks like you are getting all of your ducks in a row!


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