
I have been meaning to write this blog for a while, not that it is a burning issue or anything, but the subject matter of homophobia has I think crept into everyday Trelawnyd life, albeit in a fairly benign way.
Being gay is certainly the least interesting part of me as a person (well I could argue that it may compare with my passion for fat hens or my obsession with The Poseidon Adventure! in interest level) and in general I would never think that someone would not accept me or give me the time of day because of an accident of my sexuality.(if they react to my opinionated big mouth-well, that's another story)
To be honest I have seldom had a negative reaction (to my face anyhow) in all my "out" years but also to be fair I have never "looked" for any reactions also, so I think it has taken me a while to realise that there is a occasional one or two people in the village that perhaps have taken umbrage with me ---- and may whisper this " he's Living with a man!".
One woman in particular is conspicuous by consistently being cold and rude to me. I have never held a detailed conversation with her, so I know I have never knowingly upset her, but when I saw her again today, she again reacted to my greeting with the usual curt stare.
Another villager saw the interaction and picked up on its potential homophobic roots which was interesting, and although I was touched by her need to apologise for the other woman's behaviour, I didn't really need it.

I am always slightly baffled by homophobia, I truly am. This woman's reaction to me, didn't annoy me so much as surprised me.....I just don't get it!
Anyhow, I am proud that we have chiseled our way into the village community by being rounded,active and genuine people,if a few saddos don't like the fact that we happen to be two old poofs as well, well it's San fairy Ann !(


  1. I know the type. You give a cheery "hello" and you get a blank stare in return. Or, you ask a question and get a funny look like you're below par.I've found that there are some just plain rude people in the world. Homophobic or not. I've encountered this type of person off and on throughout my life(& I'm straight & LOVELY to look at.hahahaha).Luckily, I've also encountered some people that were raised to a higher level by my being kind to them or smiling at them, even though I didn't know them or maybe I did. In any event, it's good that you have the a ne fait rien attitude,'cuz there is no use wasting time being concerned with someone like that. If it's someone I run into all the time, I'd take them on as a prayer project.Pray for them constantly to have a softened heart and for myself to be more loving to them as they try to be hurtful to me. Even if they don't change,my own heart toward them will change. I've done this with 2 people in my life and they never changed, but I felt a lot better when I was forced to be around them. I knew I should have emailed this. Once again I've hogged up comment space.You're a sweetie so I hope you don't let this stay on your mind.

  2. Love the picture - what passion - i don't get it either - hope you are feeling better - peace for all


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