Friend catch up

Apart from Nu, I think I have neglected some old friends over the past few months. I know it is an unwritten rule, but usually I am the one that makes the effort and calls back to Sheffield to touch base with friends Mike,Jane,Jonney H and Joy, Katherine and Micky.
Financial constraints has put pain to my monthly catch ups, and in some ways I have got used to not "making the effort" and staying at home!
But I know I cannot live with just Turkey friends alone (even if it is the ever faithful Boris), so I am glad, I got off my arse and have booked to go over to Sheffield on the 23rd. I am so looking forward in a good old gossip, laugh, an occasional cry and the obligatory too many white wines.
I just had to laugh , as I have just received an e mail from friend Jonney...describing our forthcoming night out..

"It's going to be an emotional roller coaster to match
anything Bette could have offered! Fasten your's going to be a
bumpy night!

In other words, the bitch is back!"

The ducklings are all going fine. Four Whites and two mixed. Albert hasn't left their cage (put into the kitchen as the temperature in the shed is a little too low)
Tonight I am catching up with one of my Welsh friends...Hazel and we are going out for a meal to "celebrate" her forthcoming divorce.......sounds weird but she deserves a bit of a party, she's had a hard few months!
I can hear Chris snorting......" emotional romping" he says when friends go out for a good gossip!


  1. Emotional romping. hehe. Good term.

  2. Oh John,I forgot. Will you please post some more pictures of William and Meg? I love the one in your side bar with them running. It's so typical of Welshies. (Hootie is one of only 2 Welsh Terriers we've come across here in Phoenix.)

  3. We do take you for granted here in Sheffield, I know. We keep in touch with you via the blog so it never feels that your that far away. It will be good to see you for a few drinks and a chat, especially now you are out of the 'geek' closet (Primeval anyone?)!


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