Friday no news and Flower Show Shenanigans

Chris has had a hard day's work. It is now 8pm and as usual he and William are asleep on one couch. I am sat on the other with Meg,Maddie, George and now Albert. At least I am feeling a little better, I have felt dire for most of the day.
No real news to report, in between typing this, I have been surfing the net to organise a trip to Alcatraz for when we are in San Francisco, I have visited the prison years I recall it was a fascinating place.
Time for another Lemsip me thinks
Oh yes, there was a little news today! I am now Chairman of the Flower Show! albeit by default as our Chair person has resigned after a slightly "complicated" time.Whether I continue as Chair remains to be seen,.....oh the power!!!


  1. Now don't Chris and William just look cozy? Sorry to hear you're still under the weather. You better get hardy quick for your trip! We haven't been to SF since our daughter was still living at home fulltime(10years ago). It is a fascinating city, not to mention the crazy streets!! Go to the Stinking Rose, a garlic restraunt. I never got to go there but Jessica said it was yummers.(If you like garlic!)I try to steer clear of cities and leadership positions now in my older age.
    Which brings me to last but not least: Congrats on the chairmanship. Do we call you Chairman John now or some other title?? Like you don't have enough on your plate!! Get well & be well.

  2. the stinking rose sounds good,,,where is it cassie????

  3. John, looked it up, so here's the info on the Stinking Rose. Looks like it has branched out since Jess was there!

    325 Columbus Ave
    San Francisco, CA 94133
    (415) 781-7673

    Oh yeah, I'm using the dog's blog as I'm too lazy to switch.
    It's me, Cassie!


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