Feel Good Movie Monday

Forgive the series of lazy blogs, but with the weather closing in again, a long day without any sleep, a particularly irritating night shift and a new flock of dirty ducklings to clear up after, I am in need of a feel good movie evening....
covered in dogs ( and cat) I have finally decided to go for Amelie!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I've made a list of your 10 choices, out of which I have only seen As Good As It Gets. From your title I'm gathering these are all feel good movies, so I'll take this list up north when I go home and hopefully be able to find a few at the video store. I know I saw All About Eve as a youngster, but really don't remember it other than the Margo Channing character was Bette Davis. (I saw the old,old Little Women as a youngster too.)I watched all the trailors & some were really funny. I love a good comedy.


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