Bad News day

The original vergetable garden and orchard of our cottage was not sold when old Nora died. Instead the small plot of land was left to go rather wild, in the hope that the new owners could build a bungalow. Several times plannng permission has been refused and at one time we actually hoped we could buy the land and put it back to its original cottage state........
Last night I searched the local council web site and saw that planning has now been given for the house to be built.....end of an thinks

This morning, as I was potting up some bean seeds, a large farm tractor and trailer side swiped the dry stone wall of the field. It pulled around ten feet of the neatly stacked stones onto the road, and drove on without stopping. Neighbour John, galloped after the driver and made him (rather sulkily) replace the stone work but as you can see his workmanship was poor to say the least,
I have rung the farmer who contracted the driver and complain. She assures me that repairs will be done


  1. Hmmmph! What a blow. Is it "full" planning permission, or "outline" planning permission that has been granted?

    If it's the latter, then they'll still have to make a full "reserved matters" application at a later date - within 2 or 3 years I think - so you will surely have another chance to have your say.

    I don't think you can appeal the decision, but it might be worth double-checking that the council have followed the correct process when coming to their decision.

    How do I know this? Where I used to live, myself and the neighbours successfully appealed against a mobile phone mast - sadly I still have the letter I wrote. My line, "and it will spoil the enjoyment of my property" was the killer blow, I like to think!

    Looking forward to Ice Cream on Thursday, by the way. I want a cheapo 99 flake in mine, but I bet you'll go for something far more up-market.


  2. thanks for that Nige
    it IS "outline planning"

    yes I am looking forward in catching up with u on thurs!

  3. John, this may simply mean it could be sold with planning permission (hope so anyway)

  4. Geoffry, Thought you you were on holiday in that horrendous caravan of yours????


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