3 hours

I managed three hours at work before the heat of Intensive Care started a real coughing fit!....my chest still feels terribly tight and wheezy and I am resolved to get another check up from the GP, as this is my third bout of bronchitic type symptoms I have had in 6 months! The senior nurse on duty said I looked awful and told me to go home...
perhaps I am just getting old


  1. Sounds like a nice case of asthma .... sorry to hear you're feelin bad ......

  2. Sorry this thing is still hanging on. You REALLY need a vacation where all you do is loll around in the sun and venture out to good eateries! Another suggestion would be to cut out the wine and hit the harder stuff. Chivas Regal with warm milk will help you rest and sleep like a baby! Tastey too.

  3. I agree with Cassie on the Chivas Regal, but i would have Brandy and hot chocolate.

  4. and i was going to recommend apple cider vinegar - drunk with a little sugar like lemonade - but surely the previous solutions are much better - sorry you are ill - peace for all

  5. thanks for all your messages xxx

  6. You know that I think it's an allergy to something (you'll recall that I cough and splutter terribly when I visit you) - try a week of non-drousy antihistimines (cheapo ones from supermarket), see what happens, it may help.

    Then go to the Docs.

    Then a therapist.

    Then follow Cassie's advice, and get sozzled. I recommend a large glass of Absinthe.



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