Mind Games

I spent most of my shift in a side room last night comforting a distressed patient. To pass the time (in those long periods when he seemed still and comfortable) I contented myself with recalling my top ten screen nuns! Yes I know it sounds a little bizarre, but it did help me pass the time a little quicker on a very long 12 hour shift.

The previous short ten blogs, indicate the level of my thinking between 4 and 6 am!!!

Today I have found with some horror that the buffs have lice!!! Just what I didn't need after a knackering shift. I have spent most of the day scrubbing out hen houses, powdering the buff's bums with insecticide and inoculating as many hens as I could with panomec....oh the shame I feel like a parent with a kid with their first batch of nits!!!


  1. Lice! O_O Ahhh! John you have failed as a keeper of the chickens!!!!

    Don't worry, I got rid of mine but I still closely watch out for the little buggers. Don't forget to dust in seven to ten days or they will come back...yuck! True however the point of feeling like a parent that failed their child! ;)

  2. Were the buffs sitting next to an infected chick at school? Not sure how chickens get lice...yup, I'm not a farm girl. BTW, that you for your kind words.


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