Flora Robson hands

I usually work on Sunday night and because of the slightly better weather we have been having recently, I usually spend the day with my hands, elbow deep in mud, manure and dirty sawdust. Subsequently, when I am at work, my hands (although as sterile as I can make them!) do resemble those owned by Sister Philippa (Flora Robson) in Black Narcissus.
You may recall the scene, when the wise horse faced Robson is banging away with her hoe on the terraced vegetable plots, trying to divert herself from her crisis of faith? She looks down at her hands which are raw, gnarled and blistered and then painfully carries on with her work......well picture those hands with a ton of ingrained dirt rubbed into the thumbs and you have mine!
Allotment work and ITU don't quite go together...for 20 minutes or so before shift, you can always find me at the sink scrubbing away at the callouses on my fingers, at hands that despite the recommended three minute hibiscrub wash, never really look clean.
I think I get away with it, only because I usually wear gloves all the time.........resembling Al Jolson in the Jazz singer.......

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