Allotment Plans and the nervous Miss P

Yes, a large cast iron bath which has suddenly appeared on the allotment does seem like an unlikely addition to the field, but I am now in the habit of not refusing any gift when it is offered.
The neighbours looked at this white monstrosity with somewhat narrowed eyes, but seemed a little more relaxed when I explained that it will be disguised by a large selection of household herbs

The above patch of land is the only bit of the field not grazed,cropped or inhabited. Today I have cleared some of the grass so that a selection of hardy meadow wild flowers can be seeded. I tried to sow them here last year without success, so fingers crossed for this summer. I have bought a load of American flower seeds from the net.

Like any village, Trelawnyd does have its fair share of characters, and none of them amuse me more than Miss P!.
I see Miss P most days when I am walking the dogs up the Gop. She is a slight,polite and vital women in her early seventies and is always accompanied by a large unruly black and white Farm collie . The two of them make a remarkably unlikely couple, especially as Miss P has absolutely no control over her dog! If you turn a corner and the two of them are there, Miss P goes into what only can be described as quiet hysterics as she tries to calm the collie down who is excited at the prospect of a confrontation with the Welsh and Scottish terriers (but probably is more wound up by his owner's blatently supercharged anxiety levels!). With her flat shoes sliding and tapdancing on the pavement, and her face white with fear,Miss P then will try to remove herself and her animal from the horror of face to face conflict by dragging it into any handy house drive, shop or lane whist yelling "Stop it ! calm down,whoa, steady....steadddddddyyyyyyy steaddddddddddyyyyyyyyyyy....."
I have often stood stock still (with an open mouth) as the white faced Miss P, shoots away into the distance resembling a tiny Ben hur in his chariot race! Walking her dog never looks like it is a real joy for her.


  1. Great, you can give the pigs a bath! :)

  2. Love the bath, wonderful addition to the mini animal farm

  3. Ha ha ha! Looks like you have graduated into the realm of Redneckdom!! Sure, the herbs will help disguise it, but John, that is still a bathtub in your "yard"! This post made me laugh like crazy. Then you have Miss P flitting off down the road like BenHur...too funny. My boatload of laughs for the day. Thanks for that!


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