Learning difficulties

Well, it is unanimous! Apparently I have let myself "go".......this seems to be the consensus of most of my friends and family! Jo, Chris' colleague from work had a look at the blog the other day and thought I looked like someone with "learning difficulties!!" Tonight I picked Chris up from the station and as I got out of the car to get our tea from the chip shop, I caught him laughing at my state of dress!
I was wearing my allotment clothes- old combat pants, dirty jumper, trouser legs tucked into socks (I had taken my wellies off to drive) and had a half chewed pair of crocs on! My hair was uncombed ( as it has been all week) and I am sure there was a bit of uneaten breakfast still in my beard...
"You look like a retard!" Chris cheerfully told me.
Anyhow, I have hoed the four vegetable plots today, which has been a backbreaking job, and everything is ready now for the spring planting. My potatoes are set up in the shed for chitting (below pic). and most of the seeds are ready for the off.
You can just see William in the far left of the photo. He spent the day with me, but unlike the Scotties he had to be tied up at all times. The poor lad exhausted himself totally, just watching an ambling hen or the pigs in the distance


  1. Don't listen to the critic's, your dress sense is totally befitting a man of your calibre fitting in with village life(Bill Owen springs to mind Compo)


  2. You are too funny. :<)


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes