....you know you're middle aged when......

..you fall asleep on the couch at 7pm with a dog on your knee
..you get excited over a homemade sherry trifle
..you prefer sitting by the fire instead of going out in the cold to the pictures.
..you leave your woolly hat on in the house cos it keeps your head warm.
..you enjoy watching the 1968 film Oliver! rather than the latest celebrity Big Brother
...the doctor who ,you actually remember the most is Jon Pertwee
Sorrel and Chris have spent another day shopping (this time in Chester) I knew they would be too tired to go to the cinema this evening so we will go and see Australia tomorrow night. Nuala went to see it yesterday in an effort to divert herself from her sad mood.......she gave it an 8 out of 10! She also saw the much lauded The Reader (which she gave 9/10)....I hope to see that next week.
So this evening we have had a somewhat relaxed time. Oliver on the tv, Chris on his computer and the dogs on Sorrel.......yeap middle aged we definitely are.....

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