Christmas gift

For nearly two decades I have indulged in a family joke with my nephew Chris regarding the quality (and indeed absence) of his Christmas pressies given (or not) to me since the 1980s. Sometimes I received one, many times I did not and for years I have been greatly amused by the state of wrapping paper he used (often the wrapping paper he had just torn from his own Christmas gifts!) and I always got to thinking ....where did he actually get that hastily grabbed bottle of wine?
My 2008 Christmas gift has just arrived! ok, it wasn't wrapped, it didn't even have a name tag, but in twenty years it was the most welcomed and thoughtful thing he has ever bought me.
The pressie was a collection of old Sheffield postcards, and I have enjoyed a nostalgic hour or so, flicking through the city's historical scenes. Above is the old Hospital which I worked in for many is now a luxury housing estate, with a very trendy apartment located within the clock tower!
Cheers Chris (and partner Rebecca!) x

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