
A woman knocked on the cottage door this morning wanting to buy some hens. I have decided to keep the little grey bantams (centre) but would be willing to sell some of the buff chicks when they are a little bit bigger. She seemed very excited at the prospect of having hens but clearly after a bit of questioning had no idea of how to look after them.
I stopped her as when she said she thought they could live in her disused coal bunker, and suggested that she research hen keeping thoroughly before purchasing any birds from me. I even offered her one of my hen keeping books, but she seemed rather put out with my attitude and made her excuses and skin off my nose.
I dropped some eggs off to Pen-y- Cefn Isa and had a good chat with Arfon. He is a grumpy old git like me, so we do enjoy putting the world to rights by complaining of all those badly behaved people we come into contact with.In actual fact he is less tolerant than I am! (if that is at all possible)
Albert had a review at the vets this afternoon too, and was seen by the loud Polish vet. His good nature and disposition has made him somewhat of a local celebrity at the practice, as all the support staff, nurses and receptionist all made a point in coming in for a stroke and cuddle!
His temperature was down (and not even a flicker when she shoved the thermometer where the sun doesn't shine!), his leg neurology intact, which was great news and in 5 weeks or so, I have strict instructions to start a course of rehabilitation "physiotherapy" with him......which should be fun.
The vet was very professional and thorough.......I found out why a bit later when the nurse told me she thought I was an Orthopaedic doctor!...I put her right and told her I was a spinal injury nurse and she laughed and said.....
"We didn't think you were a doctor at all.... it's the way you dress, we all thought you were a farmer"........
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  1. Sometimes it is a shock to us when we meet people that think they can keep chickens in a dark hole, throw in some food and then expect eggs to just start rolling out.

  2. Yikes. I hope that woman doesn't own any animals.Heaven knows where she might have them stashed! The dog is in the attic...the fish are in the toilet...the cat is in the hat box.


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