Sunday relaxation

I finally finished pottering around dusk. Boris and Gloria have now been housed in the small duck house (I can lift them in and out through the hinged roof) and the four younger buff hens are now ensconced in the out grown turkey coop. I am still racking my brains organising a new hen house for the new chicks who are growing fast in the shed. All ten are doing fine, and although I have already arranged for three of the grey bantams to increase a colleague of Chris' hen numbers, the other seven at the moment do not have a home to call their own just yet.
The weather remains cold and bright, which has been lovely. I had a my usual 15 minute cloud watching moment in the turkey paddock (this time Boris pulled my woolly hat off quite playfully when I was lying on the ground). I had to cut short this intimate scene when a group of people entered the graveyard with flowers.......I am sure the sight of a middle aged man lying prostrate along side a love lorn turkey stag would be strange even for the village of Trelawnyd!
Chris' cold has improved somewhat. so I have loudly announced that I am now on strike from invalid duties.
As I write this he is cooking tea! this evening I am sitting next to a roaring cottage fire and later plan to continue reading Alan Carr's autobiography Look Who It Is!. Surprisingly it is not only hilarious but very well written.
I couldn't reach Nu today. Hope she's hanging on in there.

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