Cloud Watching

I didn't complete my blog yesterday as I was upset for Nuala who rang with the terrible news that one of her sisters had unexpectedly passed away. I just cannot imagine what she and the rest of her family are going through and I know there is very little I can say or do to help her, it is a terrible, helpless time for a family that has been already through too much this year.
In between jobs this afternoon I indulged in a spot of cloud watching in the duck enclosure as the weather remained bright but terribly cold. (the top photo I took up the gop this morning) true to form Boris ambled over to ever-so-slowly-circle me as if he was playing Cowboys and Indians. After ten minutes of this, he sat down at my feet, watching me with solemn eyes.
Chris is still full of cold and has spent the day on the couch watching Carry on re runs.

1 comment:

  1. my sympathies to Nuala. i have lost a sister, too, and know how devastating it is.

    love the turkey photo. your weather is so entirely different from ours.


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