Pre Christmas jobs

Most people have a pre Christmas hair our house it is Meg's turn to be transformed from teddy bear to fox terrier. I snapped her as we both were watching a re run of All About Eve this evening.

It's been a busy, non sort of Tuesday; you know the sort of day that is almost over before you realise. I have been herding the ducks into Stanley's enclosure every morning as their own little bit of field is becoming dreadfully bare. After three days of hysteria, the runners have just begun to understand that I mean them no harm when I open their pen fencing , but the operation of moving a hundred yards to unfamiliar surroundings fill the little chaps with complete horror and panic.........I have come to the conclusion that ducks, are ,thick as mince!.

After the usual chores, I dropped Christmas pressies off for Hazel in Prestatyn and to my Aunt Margaret who was widowed only a couple of months ago, then dropped small gifts to Glenys and Geoff our old neighbours in Meliden before completing the Christmas shopping in a small craft shop in Dyserth.Then I drove Meg to Rhyl for her haircut...and I must say that the town's Christmas lights actual make Rhyl look more cheap and depressing than I ever thought is truly an awfully run down place.

When we got home, I titivated the lounge with the final Christmas greenery and decorations, wrote a few e mails then realised that I was still wearing the theatre scrubs I wore at work Sunday night!!!!!!!!!! UNDER MY FIELD WORK CLOTHES!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am such a slut!.....time for a long bath me thinks

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