Christmas Tree

I was so tired after my night shift this morning that I felt literally nauseous when feeding and watering the birds at dawn. For 12 long hours I had been nursing a burns victim in a specifically heated side room on Intensive Care, and the atmosphere was so debilitating in there I had to change from my tunic uniform into theatre scrubs, just to survive the shift.The deep, deep frost on the field came as a somewhat unexpected but very welcomed change of temperature and humidity, but strangely the cold didn't wake me up too much as I ladled out the corn and swilled out the iced feeders.
I finished the field jobs around 9.15 and before walking the dogs I sat on the couch with a quick cup of tea..The next thing I knew the time was 10.45 and I awoke covered with all four patient dogs as well as Albert, who had nosedived amongst the bodies in an effort to keep warm
We have decided not to have a Christmas tree in the cottage this year, I think with eight adults present on Christmas day, as well as five dogs (yes Jess will be there as well) and one over active kitten , even the smallest of trees will be a spruce too far.
Janet, Ann (Right) and Leanne (left) designed their own Christmas tree recently in Prestatyn's Christmas tree festival....despite a great deal of hard work I think they came third......which probably pissed Ann off as secretly she remains terribly competitive ( a family trait)
True to form she will be decorating her Christmas gifts with some gusto ( and much style) in competition with Janet ( and to a lesser extent me) on the 25th,,,,,,all good clean fun

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