Maddie kicks ass and Christmas cards

In the village there is one particular small ugly terrier that seems to spend his entire existence hating the world. Every time we pass, out he'll gallop, little teeth barred, whole body shaking with anger and barking hysterically he hurls himself at each one of our dogs but always behind the safety of his huge wrought iron gates.
Today was no different, we got the screaming treatment on our morning walk and again on our afternoon jaunt when the little bugger practically woofed himself hoarse and I must admit my nerves and Patience have been pushed to breaking point over the past year by his constant aggressive outbursts.
Anyhow,at dusk I took Maddie and George out to deliver a dozen eggs,and as we passed his gateway out he leapt to perform his usual gnashing of teeth and "kill everything" frenzy.
George stood stock still watching all this with mild amusement as Maddie uncharacteristically darted forward and dragged the terrier's head under the gate.She then locked on to the top of its head and shaking the poor dog like a mouse she ripped a large circle of fur right out of its scalp with a flourish.
With a yelp the terrier bounded off leaving Maddie full of herself and standing proud and me laughing my head off in the street.

I love sending and receiving Christmas cards..........I know most people find the yearly ritual somewhat irritating and pointless, but to me it can be a chance to catch up with people some of whom I know that I may never meet up with again. Some would question why bother? and the answer that comes to my mind would always be "for what has past"
Friends sometimes come and go, others (if you are lucky) stay with you always, but by the very nature of being friends they touch your life with varying significance and emotion and that in turn shapes you into the person that you are.
I know I sound somewhat sentimental, but the yearly ritual of remembering these people, making the smallest of efforts to write and post a simple card to them...........allows me to say......"I acknowledge your importance to me".
Perhaps that is what Christmas is all about....?

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