Cold snap

The weather has been very cold and still and the village chimneys have been smoking since mid morning. It may sound strange, but I love the view of the fire smoke rising slowly from many of the hundred or so houses crouched underneath the Gop, the scene makes me feel as though I have been thrown back into the 1950s.
The cold air seems to dampen the sound of the road somewhat, and the silence in the field has felt slightly odd .
A nice middle aged couple walked across the field earlier as though they were assessing the stock. It turned out that they were having to get rid of their pet hens and thought I may like to adopt them.
"we knew they would be coming to a good home" the wife said, it looks like I will have another 8 beaks to feed soon. At least the new girls will take over egg production from the old hybrids that are now in their twilight years.
ps. I have just walked past the aggressive terrier with Maddie and George......little bugger didn't make a peep!!!

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