ill again

It feels as though I only had bronchitis and a chest infection a week or two ago, so I was mightily peeved that last night I felt another bug coming on. In the middle of the night I felt awful and despite lemsips and a ton of diet coke, I awoke with a temp of 38.3 and with a head that felt that all my chickens were pecking at its inside.
I doped myself with paracetamol, and got on with the birds , dog walking and Christmas preparations but by midday I felt a whole lot worse.
Chris does not really "do" illness and will insist on chatting and interacting as if everything is normal. I find these conversations dreadfully hard as all I want is to be left alone to die a merciful death so I was glad that he agreed to my idea to finish some Christmas Shopping with Janet in Llandudno so I could lie next to the fire in silence.
Mind you I had just fallen asleep when a neighbour knocked on the window, to tell me that the new cockerel Rogo (above) had escaped and was walking up the lane and into the village. So by the time I had rounded him up it is almost time to walk the dogs again and carry Boris and Gloria in to their shed........
I hope I feel somewhat better tomorrow

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