Happy New Year

2008 has been a rather mixed bag. For Chris it has meant success at work and the development of oodles of research projects and contacts over the country, and for me it has meant the development of the 6 allotments, a doubling of my own breeding hen and duck numbers and the initiation of a fairly unhealthy love affair with a rather ugly male turkey!
The allotment "open" has cemented our standing and relationships within the village community and the arrival of 14 little ducklings and a score of chicks has proved somewhat magical.
We lost old Joan and gained the over confident Albert. We almost lost William too, but generally the animal population has gone from strength to strength.
Several Old friends have suffered terrible life challenges and have needed our support while we have celebrated marriages and births with others.who have returned to us after long absences.Old colleagues and mentors have sadly died and new members of the family have been welcomed into the fold,but as always my Sheffield friends,as well as Nu and Nia have always been there, always constants and always supportive
The year has flown by,....at our age they always seem to do so.......but we have been lucky.Lets hope we all have a good, healthy and happy 2009


  1. Happy New Year to the two of you!

    Lots of love,

    Michael, Bev & Maisiexxx

  2. Happy New Year boys, plus the menagerie of course. Nigel xxx


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