
For the first time since Friday I experienced a good nights sleep. Mind you I had taken two dihydrocodiene tablets, a lemsip, a couple of paracetamol and a huge swig of port!
I went to bed around 11.15 last night and awoke in exactly the same position this morning at 8am, so at least my body feels a little more refreshed after the nastiest bout of flu I have ever experienced.
This morning I felt miles better and have cleaned out all the coops as well as organising all the Christmas lunch stuff and shampooing the living room carpets. I collected our turkey (pale when I compare the weight with Boris) then collected the eggs for some last minute deliveries.
Belle (one of the dog attack survivors) has turned into a beautiful hen,but I have been concerned that she as well as several of the new young birds seems not to be laying any eggs. This mystery resolved itself this afternoon after one of the visitors to the graveyard called me over to tell me she had seen Belle several times disappearing mysteriously behind a pile of debris by the Church wall. When I checked there was three tiny bantam sized eggs lying in a make shift nest.
As several of the new birds enjoy a round robin in the Church Yard, I spent a few minutes checking under bushes and in between 20 minutes I found 10 eggs tucked away in the grass
I am working tomorrow night, so before my shift Chris and I are going to the family service at the Church at 6pm. The whole event should be incredibly atmospheric Auntie Glad reminded me of the service when she came round at tea time. At 90 she still made the effort to walk down to the cottage in the dark to give us a card and a dozen or so homemade scones

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