
It has been bitterly cold today, but after the claustrophobic environment of Intensive care last night, I kind of enjoyed the inclement weather this morning as I was completing the chores.
Feeding and watering the stock can be a bit of a bind when its wet, but I always try and spend a few minutes sitting with the buffs, so that the girls can climb up on my knee for a spot of pampering. This morning I sat in the lee of the wind, next to the hen house and true to form Violet, Lily and Sorrel all ambled over like the fat teenagers that they are ; and heaved themselves on my lap. Poppy the shy cockerel sneaks over somewhat guiltily for a chin rub leaving the two non hand reared Elizabeth and Shelley alone in the henhouse, rather unimpressed with all these shenanigans.
Clover the now huge cockerel seems to hate my "love ins" with his females and has suddenly developed a rather caveman type mentality where I am concerned. Every time I sit down, he waddles up to me with his feathers puffed out in anger and with a low growl will give my sleeve or wellie top a true battering. He has not quite got the confidence to physically attack my "real" person as yet, but seems pleased as punch to shred the odd zip or pocket when he can. I have quite a soft spot for him

Thanks to everyone who has asked about William. He remains bruised and battered, but has ( described by Chris in rather graphic detail) had a large formed and magnificent stool!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Well done William...sounds very impressive.


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