Perhaps things will get better?

Leader Julie Graham
The BBC remake of the terribly dark 70's series of Survivors, started off this evening and I must say I was rather disappointed with most of what was on offer. The end of the UK as we know it felt all rather sanitised; the streets are clean and devoid of corpses and vehicles, the motley group of young survivors picked neatly from every ethic group (Modern Arab, traditional Muslim child, prisoner,black alpha male , a middle class white housewife and the true horror of loosing all of your next of kin was reduced to a perfunctory few shots of sad faces and a few bodies on a hospital floor.
Series such as Threads and films such as The Mist and 28 Days Later... did it all so very much better, as they slowed the pace of their pieces right down....allowing some semblance of tension into the narrative.
Having said, there are few things that I did like in tonight's episode. I liked the fact that the leader of the survivor group turned out to be a woman. I also liked the underplayed performance by the 11 year old Chanak Patel as a doe eyed orphan, and I did appreciate the only one chilling scene in the entire episode, where Patel watches a trapped dog in the back of a car barking piteously for help........... but generally the whole thing was rather rushed and all too slick for my liking.....bring back the original that's what I say

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