A case of transference

Not the best of photo shots, but the frenetic tug of war between William and George ( with a pair of my underpants!!!!!!!!!!!!!) does sum up the level of excitement present in the cottage since Albert's arrival.
Today Chris has gone to Manchester to meet up with an old Sheffield friend (he is very bad at keeping in touch with people) so I have the day free to potter before we both go to Osborn's this evening for a meal with all the egg heads from his works department.
The dogs have been chasing Albert like idiots throughout the day, and as they now lie in untidy,panting heaps, the object of their affection is sitting victoriously in the kitchen window. I aim to let Albert out into the garden within the next two weeks, after he has gotten over his upcoming castration.....poor little chap but at least the dogs may get a bit of a respite.
My friend, Geoff, the affable scouser will be coming round this afternoon with a shed for the allotment (his mother in law wants rid of it)- so I have had to fit in a visit to the first "unofficial" opening of the village hall this morning.
In an effort to make more funds, the memorial hall committee organised a coffee morning and table top sale and it was wonderful to see a large crowd of locals supporting it. I suspect many of the villagers had actually turned up to give the refurbishment the once over, and everyone seemed to be impressed with the posh "National Trust" colour scheme, the new flooring and the fully fitted kitchen! I had a quick chat with Sylvia from the flower show and bought a ton of chutney from Merion (the chap that always wins all the veg awards at the show) before getting collared by Ann from the church who wants (wait for this village stereotype!!!) me to make a few cakes for their fund raiser!
I didn't have a cup of tea and a cake........our Flower show refreashments are always just that bit better quality!!!

1 comment:

  1. Remember me?
    Blue, the Archers lover - who use to comment of old???

    Been AWL or MIA, what ever - as when I decided to start a fresh blog due to nasty feedbacks;
    lost lots of my old links when removed 'Behind Kyanites Door'

    Glad to see all is well with you.

    Best wishes


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