Autumn walk

The Autumn colour in Bishop's Wood is lovely and it made a welcome change for the weather to remain clear, dry and slightly warm. The puddles all along the path remain deep and dirty after the recent rain, and they were just right for Maddie, who loves to slowly lower her bottom into them and relieve herself with long sighs of appreciation!. Yes, quite a revolting habit!
I dropped in a home made apple pie to the ladies in the veg shop as a thank you for all the fruit and veg they bag up for me every week for the ducks, then donned my plastic pants for two hours of chicken coop cleaning.

Yesterday I took one of the little runner duck drakes to the vets as he had trouble walking. The vet thought he had been attacked by something, but as all the other birds seemed ok, I doubted that a fox or even the dreaded Alsatian had attacked that morning.The vet gave the little chap the once over and an injection of antibiotics with instructions for me to give him another injection today, which I did this morning. I love the way that health and safety and rules and regulations have seemed to have missed this country practice, and the place is all the better for it.
Anyhow the drake still looked a little shaky but miles better this morning so I put him back with the other 17 ducks to sunbathe in the sun in peace.
Off to have a bath now as the dreaded and nauseating Children in need is on the tv..........time to read a book me thinks

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