Mixed Animal Bag

The owner of the riding stables came around today to discuss last week's dog attack. I suspect he didn't quite believe the whole story but after surveying the junior group of misfits that had been scattered by his dog he seemed to go a little quiet.He also said that he had to think hard and long about the future of his Alsatian, as he said he couldn't guarantee that it wouldn't return at some time.....a sad decision to be sure, but I was careful to reinforce that getting rid of the dog is not what I wanted. All I would insist on, would be the safety of my animals the rest would be up to him.

Anyhow the rest of the day has been less confrontational. My efforts to tame Boris and Gloria seems to be working, albeit in a one sided way. Now Boris will gallop ungainly to the fence when he sees me, chirping away to himself, in gleeful anticipation of a piece of cheap white bread which he finds totally irresistible. He now takes even the smallest of crumbs from my hand quite easily and will just about allow me to stoke the incandescent feathers on his back. Gloria will gallop over with him, but seems not to actually understand why she is doing so.I think she is rather a dim bird.

The tame buffs remain a joy, and unlike any of the other birds,they actively insist on the closest of human contact. This afternoon Lilly climbed into the crook of my arm and sat there happy as Larry for 20 minutes.(pic below) I always find this kind of neediness by a simple bird extremely touching.

The last of the buff chicks are going through their "scruffy" period as all of their feathers start to poke through the golden fluffy down. It is too early to sex them by "look" but I have a feeling only 2 are hens.Eirlys at the farm may have the cockerels.......after all she was such a star taking 3 of my most aggressive drakes yesterday.

Albert remains a cat who lives four feet from the ground. He is now quite adept at circumnavigating the kitchen without actually setting a paw onto the floor. Of course the dogs remain pretty hysterical at his antics, as he has total control over their environment. Being at a constant higher level than they are, also reinforces Albert's dominance over them, and that must be somewhat infuriating, seeing that he weighs just shy the weight of a bag of sugar.

1 comment:

I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes