Guilt and snobbery?

Trelawnyd, the lane behind the memorial hall
I was born and bred in the resort town of Prestatyn, which is located only 3 miles away from Trelawnyd. The town has changed dramatically from the rather genteel,predominantly middle class community I remember from my childhood.It now has a slightly rougher and downmarket "undercurrent" which I find a little sad and at times slightly threatening.
Of course upper Prestatyn remains leafy and comfortable,as it has always been. but the influx of the chav underclass from the North West urban areas of Merseyside, Lancashire and Manchester,seems to have dragged the pretty resort town to a place I don't want to see. Now I have to be careful here. My working class Grandparents were born and Bred in Everton, before they escaped the wartime bombing and settled in nearby Gwynesgor in the 1940s, and my best friend hails from Crosby, but the newer "migrants,coupled with the existing local underclass have absolutely no connection with the working class of a generation or two ago.
I know, that the benefit and sickness culture-, of weatherspoons early night offers, respect for no one and casual alcohol and drug usage is becoming a National norm;so blaming the decline of Prestatyn on the Urban poor, is perhaps unfair, but when I walked through the town this morning to see how the new art house cinema is getting along, I was saddened to see aimless groups of shabby shoppers smoking cigarettes,while unemployed teens drinking lager
sat around nearby.There seemed no purpose or drive evident in many of them, and I find this incredibly depressing.

Trelawnyd is not a fictional Emmerdale, Ambridge or St Mary Meade, it has its problems like anywhere else, but I do love the sense of community it possesses. People like my sister, Ann and husband Tim, have successfully injected pride and community into Prestatyn with initiatives such as the Flower Show and the Town's classic car festival, but the increasing numbers of a poor "underclass" makes me worry, so very much, what will become of what Philip Larkin described as 'Sunny Prestatyn'.

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