Mad as Cheese

My journey back from Stockport this morning was filled with letter writing. It is an indulgence as I never seem to make time to sit down and contact people that I may not easily phone or indeed e mail. I enjoy writing letters and today it seemed even more important to do so as I wanted to contact an old friend who is going through a very very bad time.
In this instance, I think a letter that could be read and even re read, may convey the right message, or at least the message that I really wanted to share which could have gotten lost within a verbal interaction.
In the end I actually wrote 5 letters before I got back home and spent a relaxing 5 hours digging before Chris got back.

This evening I actually went to Church! The Harvest Festival service was a little more dour than I expected ( the Children's service was this afternoon which was probably the reason). The Church was decked out with fruit,veg and the odd tin of beans- and looked rather sweet (all the food was going to a homeless charity in Rhyl) We did have a fit of the giggles however, as we spied a very large box of tea bags in on the main window above the altar.Obviously it was the most "expensive" gift, so had a special pride of place, above all the tins,apples and bags of spaghetti.Most of the service was in Welsh ( in respect for the Village Chapel congregation which had come to support the event), but at least I could belt out the hymn "We plough the fields and scatter" in English......I love a good hymn

ps the "Cheese" reference is a direct quote from a newly appointed professor who works with Nigel...she was describing Chris............tee hee

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