Harvest Festival, new flocks and Stockport

Tomorrow there is a harvest festival service in the church, so I have taken round the obligatory tins of beans (for the homeless shelter) as well as a large basket of sweetcorn for the alter display.Chris and I are going to the service, which will throw a few parishioners as I never usually go to the Church services. Nuala has just rang and laughed loud and long when I told here what I have been up to. She says ringing me is like going back to the 18th Century!

The weather has been better today, so I have had a chance to watch the field population a little closer than of late.
The juvenile hens in the top enclosure have now formed into a tight knit little flock with Rogo in the lead. I will leave the 9 of them together as they seem to get on so well.

The ducks have accepted Boris and Gloria without the usual hysteria which is incredibly odd for runner ducks. I have finally sexed the 22 strong flock and am pretty sure I have 8 drakes and 14 females, which is a better mix than I expected. I still would like to reduce the number of drakes by half, so hopefully Betty the local farmers' wife will take a few off me. The female ducks have started to lay which is a surprise, I was not expecting them to do so, until next year.

I am off to Stockport later to meet up with Nige,back early in the morning.
ps. Albert has finally left the dining room table for 30 minutes!!!!! he walked into the front room, looked around at 4 sleeping dogs then went back to his table...........yep he definitely let sleeping dogs lie

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