Bee Keeping

The four smallest survivors from last weeks' dog attack have been watching me closely all afternoon, while I was digging over the main vegetable plot, as usual the weather closed in, which put paid to all outdoor activities. The runner ducks all seemed rather disappointed as I had been collecting worms for them all day (they ABSOLUTELY LOVE earthworms and will waddle over when I call them in almost childish excitement) waiting for a big feed.
Eirlys (the farmer's wife and hen keeper who lives on the other side of the village), has agreed to "adopt" four of the largest drakes who have been mating aggressively with the sweet natured females,That will leave me with a more manageable four drakes and 14 ducks.
The weather did not get any better this evening, but despite a few creaks and groans of the Belingo, we drove down the coast to Abergwyngeryn for the first proper Bee Keeping Course. The master Bee keeper, who runs the course loves his bees with a vengeance and surprising as it may sound, the whole introductory lecture was extremely interesting. It was also sobering as he told us that half the world's food is directly produced through the activity of bees.....worrying as the bee population has recently been decimated through disease and climate change......
Gawd, I am turning all green.......

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