Softly, softly?

Jess is having great fun on her holiday to Trelawnyd. This morning she was up howling merrily at 6am, and only settled after a wee and permission to climb into bed with me (Under the duvet!!!!!!!!!!)
She disappeared into the sand dunes on her walk on the beach this morning, only returning after half a hour of yelling, very pleased with herself indeed- Our dogs seem to look at her with total expressions of surprise and shock, as time and time again she breaks the house rules. When I open the back of the Belingo, they all line up patiently waiting for me to give the order to leave, whereas Jess, (looking as though she's on amphetamines) leaps out into the void with gay abandon. With me trying to catch her like an over the hill goal keeper. After dinner, when the four dogs usually collapse into untidy piles around the living room, now Jess spends a good two hours goading William then George into play fighting ALL over the cottage. Thank god Chris is working in London for a few days from tomorrow, his nerves and varicose veins couldn't quite cope with the hysteria of it all.

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