Pecking Orders,and vein trouble

Lordy,Lordy....we have had a break in the rainy weather, so I have returned to menagerie mode by working all day outside. With Duncan removed to pastures new, good old Stanley is now alpha male and a rather poorish show he is making of it all. The hens without the autocratic male have started to bicker more frequently over almost anything and where as any fight was stopped dead by Duncan, Stanley seems to be always late when separating any waring parties.
Janet and Ned have gone to Sitges for a week, and we have inherited their hyperactive patterdale, Jess. All this has been somewhat exhausting for Chris, who cannot quite cope with the constant play fighting and chaos. Like the confused hierarchical behaviour I have witnessed in the hen houses, the dogs have also reacted to the new girl on the block and have been over active and rather difficult at times.
Chris has also been troubled with varicose vein pain on and off all day,so what with him staggering around like a moaning extra from Les Miserables and the dogs galloping around with parts of Jess' anatomy constantly in their mouths, the house has been a complete madhouse.
I have enjoyed the quietness of the field.

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