
Thought I would do a quick blog, as I am in the foyer of a rather nice hotel on Sitges Promenade.The weather has been bloody awful over the last day or so. We survived it the first day, because the hotel waiter (the happy-go-lucky and very welcoming Paco) plied us with too much Rose wine. while we were waiting for our room to be ready.Subsequently Chris and I don´t really remember weaving our staggering way upstairs to bed.
The Santa Maria hotel, is as always lovely, shabby chic, slightly run down but popular with the locals and not a riff raff Uk lout to be seen.
The weather remains awful, but we have relaxed, read and ate ourselves stupid.
Will have to leave it there as a few old queens want to use this computer, and are pursing their lips like good uns.oh errrrr

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