Lizzie Bennet where are you?

I think I would have liked the film The Duchess (2008) more if the wonderful Keira Knightley wasn't in it. That sounds rather odd, but every time there was a scene of her in period eighteen century dress in the Chatsworth House gardens, I was longing for her famously warm character 'Lizzie' Bennet to suddenly take over from the rather dour Georgiana, The Duchess of Devonshire .
The Duchess is a beautiful film to look at,and the story of the sexual politics and dual standards of the day is interesting enough, but the film generally has very little warmth and soul in it which is perhaps an unfair criticism as the story is indeed a very unhappy one.
The whole film would have been a whole lot better if Hayley Atwell (stunning as the "third" one in the Devonshire marriage -Bess Foster) would have been cast in the lead role..
Bring back Pride & Prejudice (2005)

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