
Rogo and Linda with Stanley's chicks in the background
Broody Nolan's "Poseidon" chicks (Rogo,Susan,Belle,Linda and Nonnie) now have their own large enclosure, complete with electric fencing. They now live along side the four 5 week old chicks, housed into the old Buff ark, so hopefully the two little flocks will gel nicely in time. I sorted out the new enclosures at 6.45am, and it was interesting to watch 6 pheasants wander into the field to pick over the crumbs left by the runner ducks. The runners on seeing the game birds, slowly formed themselves into a tight flock and quietly (usually they scream and shout at any threat) followed the pheasants' every move, step for step. When the wild birds stopped, so did the ducks, when they ran a few steps, so did the ducks. I wish I had taken the camera out, as it was the funniest thing to watch.
After walking the dogs on the beach,delivering eggs and collecting the out-of-date veg from Prestatyn, I got stuck in to Jam making, and I surprised myself with actually achieving the "crinkle point" before ladling the mixture into jam pots.
I picked the rest of my onions from the allotment as well as the parsnips (which didn't do that well).

This evening we are off out for a meal in Prestatyn and tomorrow we are going to see The Duchess

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