Bee Keeping

No not nuclear war in Flintshire, but bee keeping up the Conway Valley. Chris doesn't look very happy in his protective keepers' suit but I think he enjoyed our first practical session on the Bee Keeping course.
About 20 of us (all slightly self conscious in our whites) tramped our way into the woodland glade to watch seasoned Bee expert "Geoff" dismantle several hives to show us the honey,drones,workers and grubs and eggs. It was a fascinating few hours, and a slightly nerve wracking one at times as great clouds of bees wafted too and fro and up close and personal to your face visor. I am sure that if a bee actually entered my suit I would have broken the 4 minute mile as sometimes the whole experience was a little claustrophobic at times.
Geoff couldn't quite locate the colony queen initially and much to Chris' amusement called out "I bet you all want to get a glimpse of the old queen don't you?"
"There are two over here!" Chris quipped under his breath as everyone nodded........
Our next session is in October

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