A teenage 60th Birthday

You are never too old for a teenage party. You know the sort of thing I mean. Too much booze,a lot of dancing, 70 people in fancy dress and a great deal of good humour.
Ann and Tim's 60th was a super knock-down, no holds-barred over-the-top BASH. Fireworks in the garden, a sit down meal,booked catering,a huge tent with its own chandelier, a disco and band, as well an award ceremony for the best costume.It was great fun..
Chris cut a bit of a dash as Miss Marple, where as I resembled a horror film type of scarecrow rather the more benign version I had planned from the wizard of Oz

Ann and Tim seemed to have had a cracking time. Ann (with pretty good legs for a pre pensioner) was doing a Sally Bowles were as Tim was Jonney depp.
Janet was one of two Princess Leia's present and Ned was a slightly aging Luke Skywalker (below)

Below is Nephew Chris and Tim

He had the best outfit with girlfriend Becca (as Leonardo Dicaprio and Kate Winslett from Titanic-complete with cardboard ship's bow)

Jayne almost upstaged everyone with her finely designed Cruella De Vil while her mum (below) looked ever-so-slightly evil as her turn as a school girl

Nephew Pete and family
It was all worth a hangover from Hell and I still can't believe I went to work for 12 hours today. It was well worth it though, as nights like the one we all enjoyed last night reminds you that you are never too old to have a good and slightly immature time......

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