A Sheffield/Cameroon/American wedding
It was a treat to be able to stay in a posh hotel on Saturday night, and the new St Paul's Hotel overlooking the Peace Gardens was lovely. I managed to get over to Sheffield by 2pm, met up with Chris then walked the stone's throw distance to the Upper Chapel on Norfolk Street for Mick and Meggie's wedding.
The wedding was a real mixture of cultures. Mick's family are salt-of-the-earth Sheffielders, whilst Meggie's family range from homeland in the Cameroons, to the states and a variety of countries in Europe, The couple had met on my old ward when both were working there as staff nurses. The ceremony style was overwhelmingly American, with both Bride and Groom having a score of Bridesmaids and groomsmen each, all impeccably dressed and turned out. It felt very My Best Friend's Wedding (1997)
Meggie's mother, almost stole the show with a lilting,impassioned and considered speech at the reception.The speech was almost evangelical in nature with relatives singing out key important words and phrases from time to time, it felt a breath of fresh air compared to some to the more stuffy wedding speeches I have previously had to endure. The interactive feel of the whole thing was warm, heartfelt and incredibly good natured.
The evening "do" meant that we had a chance to meet up with the old spinal injury staff. Above is affable, big hearted Alexa (left) with Diane (gay man in a straight woman's body). It was all very flattering that many staff missed me in post..........shallow but ever so nice to hear!!!!!!!!!
Helen, who took my job over as ward Manager

and Jane of course (my old ward's deputy sister) who had an unfortunate accident with her large cleavage and a particularly impressive Chocolate fountain......enough said....We didn't have a late night, but caught up with more old staff, had a few drinks, chats and enjoyed a comfortable bed and air conditioning in the hotel. It was a nice evening
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