This afternoon I have bought various ingredients ready for cake baking and flan cooking on Thursday evening.and have made list after list to get things organised and sorted. Tomorrow I am off to Sheffield to see Mike, so I will only have Thursday night to sort out around 15 entries.
I cleaned the kitchen table of clutter and gave the tablecloth a good airing. Had a very sad moment when the whole kitchen was filled with Joan's shedded hair from off her blanket which always perched on the corner of the table.The place seems rather quiet without her noisy yowling, but I know the old girl had a charmed healthy life right until her final day, indeed she had only visited the vets twice in her life. Once for neutering and once for a removal of a broken tooth. Not bad for 20 years.
I have decided that I would like another cat at some stage, a house does not feel quite right to me without the quiet presence of a cat sunning itself on a chair or window ledge but I will get a grown cat next time from the rescue unit, and one that has "experience" of dogs. All four terriers were good with Joan but needed a strong willed cat to put them in their place before any trouble started.
Anyhow the buff girls that looked so poorly a day or so ago, seemed to have perked up in the shed overnight. (I had put the heat lamp on them and fed them with tit bits as well as the antibiotic powder the vet had given me)
I have replaced them back into their run with the others this afternoon.
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