It took absolutely ages for the waiting room to empty before our turn ( I actually nodded off once with the buffs in the box on my knee)
This time I had a vet, who was obviously very, VERY new in post, and who didn't really know chickens that well. After several three way conversations with the rather harassed well established vet who was in another examination room, I bought some antibiotic powder (just use a pinch in some water........I was told) and some wormer for the rest of the girls.The vet didn't actually look at the buffs that closely, which bothered me somewhat, but I gave the medication a go, after setting up the poorlies in their original cage in the shed.
To be honest the two buffs still look a little subdued but they are eating and drinking, which is always a good sign, but I am worried as young birds like children, deteriorate suddenly when unwell.
I scrubbed out the ark and treated it all for red mite, just to make sure that there was no potential risks to the other three birds. Then I collected the vegetables from the veg shop for the rest of the hens & ducks , bought more feed and wood chippings, sorted out the dogs, organised tea and the house work, and bingo the next time I looked at the time, it was 6.30pm!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am buggered........................
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