The Memorial Hall , field work and open evening

The work on the village Memorial hall seems to be slowing down as it nears completion, and the whole building has started to blossom beneath the scaffolding. I took a walk at 8.00pm this evening to photograph the old building and had an opportunity to read the newsletter that had been pinned up on the village notice board, detailing work costs and the renovation news.
The Hall was donated to the people of Trelawnyd in 1909 by Mr Antonio Ralli, who was the Greek Consul in Liverpool. Ralli lived in Mia Hall (just outside the village) and funded the Memorial Hall as a means of alleviating the severe unemployment in the area .
Anyhow, I have worked all day in the field ( out at 8am and in at 6pm) and still I have not had time to start the vegetable patch weeding. The dreaded soddin red mite is back (albeit in tiny clumps) so every coop has been disinfected and fumigated. I have strimmed the field borders and fanny arsed around, filling water butts,and the like and now am absolutely bushed.
Chris is still away, so tonight the dogs will be all sleeping with me again upstairs. Funny when they are all our bed, they all have a lie in.
The Church council have given me the final OK to hold the allotment open evening in August..To keep them all sweet I have said that all proceeds will go to the Church,

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