Crow attack

This morning I made the mistake of letting the buff chicks out into their big uncovered outdoor run. They seemed happy enough in it, spending most of the time running around in stupid circles, but I forgot how vulnerable small hens can be to opportunists such as crows and magpies.

Minutes after I had let them out, I noticed Duncan running the length of the big enclosure with a couple of the more robust hens in pursuit, he was reacting to screeches from the buff chicks who were being attacked by two crows inside their run.It was incredibly lucky that he reacted the way he did, as I would never of noticed the commotion over the quacking of the runners. When I got down to the buff coop, four of the chicks had made it to the safety of the inside of the ark, leaving the little cockerel alone, squaring off to the bigger nastier crows. Judging by the small clumps of golden feathers lying around, the little guy had been pecked several times, but still was trying his best to stand up for himself.. I was incredibly moved by his show of bravery

This morning I covered the run with chicken wire, then finally weeded the allotment beds. Meg had her annual haircut this morning, so was quite hysterical by the time she got home (a product of sitting in a busy dog filled shop), which was bad for me as she pulled down my Kath Kitson apron from the kitchen door and trashed it.when she got home.

Ann and Tim are having a big bash for their 60th (a Hollywood themed fancy dress party,) so I will be surfing later to try and find some ideas for our costumes.I have seen janet's wig today which will compliment her comment...................................
Caught up with Nuala this evening, which was long overdue. I hope to see her at the end of was lovely to chat, I have missed her and through one thing and another, have not had the opportunity to touch base with her properly

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