Betty Crocker?

Not the best photo, but a tiny black chick was hatched out this morning. Hoping that Broody Nolan would take him in (3 days after the original brood was hatched) I sneaked him under her as she was sitting. Typically, she was having none of it and flung the little one across the cage time and time again. Quickly I grabbed the unfortunate baby and put him under the lamp in the buff's cage, the plan is to return him when it is dark (hens are quieter and more compliant at night) hopefully she will accept him then, but I have my doubts.The brown hairy thing in the photo is a stuffed teddy bear bought quickly from the charity shop, thought it might provide the chick with some comfort.
The buffs have been put into the old triangular duck house, and now have a large covered run and a small outdoor run. The weather has been too wet today to let the five of them out yet, but at least they have been set up ready. The low run to the left has the rabbit hutch inside it, and Broody Nolan and her 4 (hopefully5) chicks will be transferred into it net week.The field , as you can see has been attacked by a large number of moles.
Have not done a great deal outside, as the weather has been bloody awful, so got on and baked two cakes and a batch of fudge Brownies ( how bloody Betty Crocker?) for Janet's open garden evening tomorrow.
Chris is at the gym in St Asaph at the moment............buying a takeaway on the way home!! I give up trying to teach him about healthy eating......but at least a takeaway IS a nice treat

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